









Occupational Posts After CSS

Are you looking for current and upcoming CSS Jobs? Not to worry as you have arrived at the right place as you will be provided with all the latest valid, authentic and updated information regarding CSS career on this page. Prospective candidates can choose various jobs after css examination which are highly ranked among the major civil service departments of Pakistan. Successful CSS examination candidates will be chosen from a wide jobs list after CSS exam concerning their preferred department of choice.

CSS Job 2024 in Pakistan

CSS passed candidates will be able to join towards their desired civil service jobs after css under BS-17 scale as civil department officers officially under approval by the Government of Pakistan. Successful candidates can choose various CSS Jobs 2024 from their desired civil departments comprising pakistan customs service, commerce & trade group, police service, railways, inland revenue service, information group service, pakistan audit and accounts service, foreign service departments among others concerning CSS Groups Ranking in Pakistan.

Candidates based on their performance in the written test and interview will be provided with highly ranked civil department jobs after passing CSS exam in Pakistan. Desired candidates who have successfully passed the css examination will be able to choose from Twelve different civil department groups that are given above.

CSS Occupational Groups Details

Pakistan Administrative Service

PAS stands for in CSS is Pakistan Administrative Service (PAS), previously known as District Management Group or DMG Group CSS. PAS is the number one group that is choosen by css qualified, candidates. You can also say that, to join Pakistan administrative services is the dream of every CSS qualified candidate. The candidates who passed css, but couldn't selected in PAS group CSS, are appear again in civil services examination to fulfill the dream job. There are multiple high ranked posts in PAS group. Here are the some posts in pakistan administrative services group, that are mentioned below:

Name of Post Scale division
Assistant Commissioner (AC) BS-17
Deputy Commissioner (DC) for a smaller district BS-18
Deputy Commissioner (DC) for a larger district BPS BS-19
Director General of Federal Department BS-20
Chairman of Federal Organizations BS-21
Chairman of Autonomous Federal Organization BS-22

Pakistan Custom Service

PCS group CSS is known as Pakistan Customs Services . Pakistan custom services, comes under the interior ministry of Pakistan. Pakistan custom services main focus on to control the irrelevant goods. PCS also has the responsibility to overcome the smuggling in borders areas. The candidates who qualified css exams, can set career in pakistan custom services, group. Due to highly ranked positions in Pakistan Customs Services , many candidates prefer to join the group. There are some highly ranked positions in PCS group, some of these with scale are given in the table.

Name of Post Scale division
Assistant Director BS-17
Commercial Secretary BS-18
Commercial Counselor BS-19
Consul General BS-20
Minister(Economic or trade) BS-21

Foreign Service of Pakistan

Foreign service of Pakistan is known as FSP in CSS . The group comes under the ministry of Foreign affairs, Islamabad. The main aim of Foreign Service of Pakistan is to faciliate the pakistani's who are living in different countries. Those who join the FSP are appointed as the cousular, director, assistant director, parlimany secretary, director general (ssp), special secretary, additional secretary, ambassadors and many other high level posts in different countries of the world. Most of the css qualified candidates, prefer to join the FSP group due to upper class posts in different countries. There are many css jobs in foreign services of pakistan, some of them given below

Name of Post Scale division
Assistant Director BS-17
Deputy Director BS-18
Director BS-19
Additional Secretary BS-20
Foreign Secretary BS-21

Inland Revenue Service of Pakistan

IRS stands for Inland Revenue Service of Pakistan. The group deals in the matter of land revenue generation within the territories of pakistan. IRS group css is important because is becoming more attractive to css candidates. The main working for IRS officers is to comprising income tax, sales tax and federal exice duty. The group, comes under the finance ministry of pakistan. There are highly paid posts in IRS pakistan group, after qualifying the css examination.

Name of Post Scale division
Assistant Commissioner Inland Revenue / Assistant Director FBR BS-17
Deputy Commissioner / Deputy Director BS-18
Additional Commissioner / Additional Director BS-19
Commissioner / Director BS-20
Chief Commissioner / Member FBR / Director General BS-21
Chairman FBR BS-22

Railway (Commercial and Trade) Group

Railways, commercial and trade group, playing an important role in the development, infrastructure, operations and management in pakistan railways. Prior this group known as pakistan railways services. The officers who join the railways c&t group, are trained in pakistan railways walton training school, lahore cantt. Some name of posts with scale division are mentioned below

Name of Post Scale division
Secretary railway board BS-17
Member finance BS-18
Director general (operational) BS-19
Director general (technical) BS-20
Director general (planning) BS-21

Information Group CSS Pakistan

IG group in CSS is Information group. Information group is responsible for handling and managing information through out the country. The ISP group comes under the ministry of information and broadcasting. First the group was called the central information services. The group plays an important role in national image building. ISP officers appointed in press information department, government of pakistan. The group is most important for media and its rights. There are some highly paid jobs list after css exam in ISP are mentioned below

Name of Post Scale division
Assistant press information BS-17
External publicity officer BS-18
Internal publicity officer BS-19
Directorate of films & publications BS-20
Ministry of information 7 & broadcasting BS-21

Military Lands and Cantonments Group

Military land and cantonments group, generally refers to ML&C department. The department defence lands and cantonment all across the pakistan. ML&C department is controlling almost 44 cantonments boards in pakistan. All activities are monitored by the directorate. Cantonment executive officers (CEOS) and military estate officers (MEOS) are main officers to handle the cantonments boards. Some jobs opportunities in military land and cantonments group are mentioned below

Name of Post Scale division
Director general BS-17
Additional director general BS 18
Cantonment executive officers BS-19
Military estate officers BS-20
President cantonment board BS-21

Postal Group

Postal Group CSS comprises the Pakistan Post Office (PSO). Pakistan Post office is one of the oldest Federal Government department. The group deals over Ten Thousands post office in Pakistan. Postal group also performs the number of very important functions like Post office saving banks, Postal life insurance, Civil & Militry Pension payment, Renewal of driving and arms licences and among others.

Commerce and Trade Group

CTG Group CSS is called as Commerce & Trade Group. CTG group is responsive for economic developmemt of Pakistan and commercial diplomacy. CTG Group Officers posted in Pakistan Ministry of Commerce, Pakistan Institute of Trade and Development(PITAD), Pakistan Horticulture Development and Export Company in BS-20 or above grades. CTG Group officers also lead foreign trade negotiations with different countries to secure trade deals.

Office Management Group

OMG stands for in CSS is Office Management Group. OMG Group is the famous group in civil services of pakistan. The officers of OMG group, work in federal secretariat as section officers. These officers posted to provincial government. Some CSS Jobs of office management group, Pakistan are given below

Name of Post Scale division
Secretary federal BS-17
Cadre of OMG BS-18
Senior joint secretary BS-19
Deputy secretary BS-20
President secretary BS-21

Pakistan Audit and Accounts Service (PAAS)

PAAS stands for in css is Pakistan audit and accounts services. PAAS is the second preferrable group after passing the civil services examinations, pakistan. The PAAS officers are appointed to different finance departments. PAAS is the department of auditor general of pakistan. The group imparting in training to the latest improvements public financial reporting standards.

Police Service of Pakistan (PSP)

PSP stands for in CSS is Police service of pakistan. PSP is the most desired group in CSS Pakistan occupational groups. The PSP officer works as a superintendent police (SP), Deputy inspector general (DIG), IG and many others high ranked posts in Police department, government of Pakistan.

CSS Officer Salary In Pakistan

Civil Servant Officer are the highly paid officers in Pakistan. The given CSS Salary in Pakistan is the only BP Scale wise. Other allowance like Fuel, medical, house rent, kitchan expenses and many other expenses are not included in the given salary.

Post Salary Range in Rupees
Assistant Commissioner Rs 80,000 to 90,000 / Per Month
Deputy Director Rs 120,000 to 150,000 / Per Month
Director General (Operations) 250,000 to 300,000/Per Month
Deputy commissioner Rs 90,000 to 110,000 / Per Month
Assistant Press Information Rs 40,000 to 50,000 / Per Month
Additional Director General Rs 170,000 to 180,000 / Per Month
Cantonment Executive Officer Rs 90,000 to 95,000/Per Month
Military Estate Officer 90,000 to 110,000/Per Month
Federal Secretary 190,000 to 200,000/Per Month
Internal Publicity Officer 165,000 to 170,000/Per Month


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  • Dur Shehwar

    14 Sep 2024

    Nov mai MPT test hoga os k bad exam

    Like (3)
  • Abdullah Abdullah

    25 Jul 2024

    Assalamalikum,yeh css jobs ki apply ki last date kia ha

    Like (3)
  • Asad Zaidi

    10 Sep 2021

    Please also tell about jobs after pcs.

    Like (13)

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