Private Colleges/Universities In Gujrat

List of Private Colleges/Universities In Gujrat

List of Private Colleges/Universities In Gujrat

Colleges/Uni Name Location Contact # Total Courses Sector Popularity Score Rating
Nawaz Sharif Medical College GujratNawaz Sharif Medical College GujratJalalpur Jattan Road Gujrat, Pakistan 053-3643331, 053-3642Private10 *
National College of Business Administration & Management Sciences (NCBAE) GujratNational College of Business Administration & Management Sciences (NCBAE) GujratNear Younas Fan Building, G.T. Road, Gujrat+92 53 3516428, 351520Private20 *
The University of Lahore GujratThe University of Lahore GujratAdjacent Chenab Bridge, GT Road, Gujrat.053-358912061Private30 *
Punjab Group of Colleges GujratPunjab Group of Colleges GujratPunjab Group of Colleges Gujrat057236493020Private41.75 *
Faran Institute of Technology FIT GujratFaran Institute of Technology FIT GujratDeona Mandi G.T. Road Gujrat+92 53 3522110, 35216Private55 *
Gujrat Law College, GujratGujrat Law College, GujratClub Road Link Bimber Road GujratN/A1Private65 *
ETECH College of Business & Information Technology VU Campus GujratETECH College of Business & Information Technology VU Campus GujratNear Eid Gah Masjid, Main G T Road, Gujrat0300625970673Private70 *
Superior Group of Colleges GujratSuperior Group of Colleges GujratGT Road, Gujrat, Pakistan+92 53 35253545-68Private83 *
Punjab College of Commerce, GujratPunjab College of Commerce, GujratPunjab Collegr of Commerce, Gujrat0533531317-815Private90.75 *
Kips Academy GujratKips Academy GujratAli Pura Road (Ex Cambridge School of Pakistan), Gujrat053-3728124-253Private104.5 *
The University of Chenab, GujratThe University of Chenab, GujratAdjacent Chenab Bridge GT Road Gujrat, Pakistan+92533 111 243 62232Private110 *
Riphah International College Sarai AlamgirRiphah International College Sarai AlamgirRiphah International College Sarai Alamgir0333-20952225Private124 *
Stars Academy GujratStars Academy GujratStars Group of Colleges Shaheen Chowk G T Road, Gujrat.0337-14312452Private130 *
Step Institute GujratStep Institute GujratPunjab Group of college GT road, Gujrat053-3531317-182Private144.25 *
Maridian College of Commerce, GujratMaridian College of Commerce, GujratGujratN/A1Private150 *

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