Medical & Dental Colleges Universities in Sialkot Pakistan
Every medical and dental colleges/universities in Sialkot has different criteria for getting admission in MBBS, BDS or other courses. Candidates must pass the FSC pre medical exams or any other equivalent exams with a minimum of 60% marks. Candidates must clear the MCAT entry test conducted by the University of Health Sciences. Foreign students must pass the MCAT test or SAT test with the minimum score 550 marks in Physics, chemistry and biology; candidates who cleared the British “A” level or American high school have to get equivalent certificates from IBCC Islamabad for recognition of their certificates. After completing the five years studies candidates are awarded for the degree of bachelors of surgery and bachelors of medicine.
All medical colleges and universities are monitored and maintained via their receptive provisional department of health. All medical dental colleges and universities are recognized by the Pakistan medical and dental council. PMDC is regulatory authority for practitioners and students of medicine and dentistry in Pakistan. PMD is also responsible for the developing of national curriculum of MBBS & BDS and post graduate studies in collaboration with higher education commission. Al medical and dental colleges and universities are recognized by the general medical council now its quality standards are equivalent to those demanded by national committee on foreign medical education and accreditation. No Pakistani doctor is eligible in Pakistan or abroad without being registered with PMDC.