Government College For Women University Sialkot | Sialkot | 052 9250170 | - BA Fine Arts
- BS (Hons) International Relations
- FSc Pre Engineering
- BBA Bachelor of Business Administration
- MS/ M Phil Business Administration
- MS/MPhil Computer Science
- FA Computer Science
- BS Computer Science (BSCS)
- BS Information Technology
- BS Psychology
- FSc Pre Medical
- BA Urdu
- MS / M.Phil Urdu
- MA Urdu
- MSc Urdu
- MA Islamiyat
- MSc Islamiyat
- MS / M.Phil Islamiyat
- BA Islamic Studies
- BA Political Science
- BS Sociology
- MS / M.Phil Economics
- MS/M Phil Political Science
- BA Economics
- Ph.D Botany
- Ph.D Chemistry
- Ph.D Economics
- Ph.D Political Science
- B.Ed 1.5 year (Regular)
- MS/M Phil Physics
- MA Mathematics
- MSc Mathematics
- MS/ M Phil Chemistry
- MSc Mathematics
- MA Chemistry
- MSc Chemistry
- FA General Science
- BS Chemistry
- BS Mathematics
- BS Physics
- ICom
- BS Botany
- BS Zoology
- MA Botany
- MA Zoology
- MSc Zoology
- MSc Botany
- MS/ M Phil Zoology
- MS/ M Phil Botany
- MS / M.Phil English
- MA English
- MSc English
- BA English
- FA
| Public | 1 | 3.75 * |
Virtual University of Pakistan Sialkot | Computer Connection Institute - Green Wood Street, Railway Road, Sialkot | +92-52-4598908-09-10 | - ADP Web Design and Development
- BS (Business Administration)
- BS (Management)
- BS (Marketing)
- Bachelor of Business & Information Technology (BBIT)
- BA (Business Administration)
- ADP Database Management System
- Associate Degree Program (Human Resource Management)
- Associate Degree Program (Operations Management)
- Associate Degree Program (Sales and Marketing)
- Associate Degree Program (Supply Chain Management)
- MS (Business Administration)
- MBA (Equivalent to MS)
- Master of Business Administration (MBA)-Executive)
- Master of Business Economics
- Master of Business Studies (MBS) Equivalent to BBS - Leading to MBA /MSBA
- Master of Human Resource Management (MHRM)
- Master of Operations & Supply Chain Management
- PGD Business Administration
- PGD Entrepreneurship & SME Management
- PGD Human Resource Management
- PGD Marketing Management
- For Admission towards MSBA/ MBA (Equivalent to MS)
- MPhil Education (Educational Leadership & Management)
- PhD Computer Science
- BS Computer Science (BSCS)
- BS Information Technology
- BS Software Engineering
- BSc Computer Science
- ADP Computer Networking
- MS Computer Science (MSCS)
- MCS Computer Science
- MIT Information Technology
- Computer Science (MCS) Only for VU Graduates
- Information Technology (MIT) Only for VU Graduates
- PGD Computer Science
- PGD Information Technology
- For Admission towards MCS/MIT
- For Admission towards MS(CS)
- MS Genetics
- Certificate in Education [Bridging / Deficiency Semester]
- PGD Education
- BEd (Hons) Elementary
- BEd Secondary (1.5-Year)
- BEd Elementary (2-Year)
- Associate Degree Education
- Associate Degree Program (Islamic Banking)
- PGD Television Production
- PGD Public Administration
- MSc Mass Communication
- Master of Public Administration (MPA)
- BS Mass Communication
- BA (Mass Communication)
- BS (Public Administration)
- Additional Specialization Certification
- Certificate Courses
- Specialization Certificate
- BSc Mathematics
- BS Bioinformatics
- BS Biotechnology
- MSc Applied Psychology
- MSc Organizational Psychology
- BA (Psychology)
- BS Psychology
- PhD Biotechnology
- MS Bioinformatics
- MS Biotechnology
- MS Mathematics
- MS Molecular Biology
- PGD Applied Psychology
- PGD Finance
- PGD Accounting
- PGD Accounting & Finance
- PGD Banking & Finance
- Master of Commerce (M.Com)
- Master of Finance
- Master of Accounting
- Master of Accounting & Finance
- Master of Banking & Finance
- BSc Statistics
- BSc Economics
- Associate Degree Program (Accounting & Finance)
- BCom
- BS (Commerce)
- BS (Commerce) for BCom
- BS (Accounting and Finance)
- BS (Banking & Finance)
- MSc Zoology
- MS Zoology
- BA (Bachelor of Arts)
| Public | 2 | 0 * |
Government College Women University Sialkot | Sialkot | N/A | - BS Fine Arts
- Textile and Design
- BS Fine Arts
- FSc Pre Engineering
- BS Botany
- BS Business Administration
- BBA Bachelor of Business Administration
- BS Commerce B.Com
- MS Computer Science (MSCS)
- BS Computer Science (BSCS)
- ICS Computer Science
- BS Information Technology
- BS Psychology
- FSc Pre Medical
- MA Urdu
- MA English
- BS Education
- MSc Islamic Studies
- BS Islamiyat
- MS Islamic Study
- PhD Islamic Studies
- BS Political Science
- BS Sociology
- B.Ed 1.5 Years
- Ph.D Chemisty
- Ph.D Economics
- Ph.D Political Science
- PhD Chemistry
- PhD Physics
- MS Chemistry
- MS Physics
- BS Environmental Science
- MSc Mathematics
- MSc Physics
- MSc Chemistry
- BS Mathematics
- BS Physics
- BS Chemistry
- BS Economics
- ICom
- BS Statistics
- MSc Economics
- MS Economics
- BS Medical Lab Technology
- MSc Botany
- BS Zoology
- MSc Zology
- MS Botany
- PhD Botany
- MS Zoology
- PhD Zoology
- PhD Urdu
- MS Urdu
- BS Urdu
- FA
- BS English
| Public | 3 | 3 * |
University of Gujrat Sialkot | 1-Km, Main Daska Road, Sialkot | 052-3575518-20 | - MSc Statistics
- BBA Bachelor of Business Administration
- MBA Master of Business Administration
- MS Business Administration
- Associate Degree in Information Technology
- ADP Computer Science
- MSc Information Technology
- MSc Computer Sciences
- BS Computer Science (BSCS)
- BS Information Technology
- BS Software Engineering
- BS Psychology
- MPhil Psychology
- MSc Psychology
- BEd (Hons)
- MA Islamic Studies
- MPhil Islamic Studies
- MPhil Mass Communication
- MA Mass Communication
- MA Sociology
- MA Political Sciences
- BS Political Sciences
- BS Mass Communication
- BS Sociology
- BS Chemistry
- BS Mathematics
- BS Biotechnology
- BS Biochemistry
- BS Molecular Biology
- BS Physics
- ADP Mathematics
- ADP Physics
- MSc Mathematics
- MPhil Economics
- MSc Economics
- MCom
- BCom
- BS Economics
- BS Statistic
- BS Botany
- BS Zoology
- BS English
- MA English
- MPhil English (Literature & Linguistics)
- MPhil Urdu
| Public | 4 | 3.75 * |
University of Sialkot | 1-Km Main Daska Road, Sialkot | +92-523575518-20 | - BBA (Hons)
- ADP Information Technology
- BS Computer Science
- BS Information Technology
- BS Software Engieering
- BS Artificial Intelligence
- BS Biotechnology
- BS Biological Science
- BS Chemistry
- BS Zoology
- BS Fashion Design
- BS English
- BS Account and Finance
- MS Chemistry
- MS Computer Science
- MS Biological Science
- MS Biotechnology
- MS Chemistry
- MS Zoology
- MS Chemistry
- Pharm -D
- Doctor of Physical Therapy
- Human Nutrition and Dietetics
- Medical Lab Technology
- Medical Imaging Technology
- ADP Biology
- ADP English
| Public | 5 | 0 * |
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