Colleges & Universities in Narowal

List of Colleges And Universties in Narowal

The Narowal City is located in the Punjab Province. The literacy rate in Narowal is good but not enough various educational institutes are providing their utmost educational services to boost the education level in this zone.

Colleges/Universities in Narowal such as Narowal Information Technology University Narowal, Government College of Commerce, Government Islamia Degree College (for Boys), Government Muslim Girls College, Sialkot College of Commerce, and many other colleges are offering latest courses for the students of Narowal to increase the level of education in its region.

Among the list of colleges/Universities Narowal the educational institutions are offering leading educational services for the students. Numerous other educational government and private institutions are also certifying their role in education zone to develop the vigorous nation

Colleges/Universities in Narowal are offering their unique educational services for the students to build the healthy sound mind nation. You can see the list of educational institutes from here just in one place

Quick facts about institutions in Narowal

  • Total Universities in Narowal1
  • Total Colleges in Narowal11
  • Courses for Intermediate studies17
  • Courses for Bachelor studies39
  • Courses for Masters studies38
  • Courses for Diplomas & Certiicates 25
  • Government/public institutions1
  • Private institutions6

List of Universites in Narowal

Colleges/Uni Name Location Contact # Total Courses Sector Popularity Score Rating
University of Engineering and Technology Lahore Narowal CampusUniversity of Engineering and Technology Lahore Narowal CampusUET Narowal Campus042-99029216, 042-9994Public14 *

List of Colleges in Narowal

Colleges/Uni Name Location Contact # Total Courses Sector Popularity Score Rating
Sahara Medical College NarowalSahara Medical College NarowalNarowal(042) 366875642Private10 *
Royal College Of Science NarowalRoyal College Of Science NarowalRoyal College of Science Narowal0542-4116009Private24 *
Govt. Vocational Training Institute (W), NarowalGovt. Vocational Training Institute (W), NarowalNear Zafarwal, By pass Miskeen Hotel, Mohallah Abbas Nagar, Narowal0542 - 4121957N/A30 *
Punjab Group of Colleges NarowalPunjab Group of Colleges NarowalChowck Bijlighar, 1-Km, Pasroor Road Narowal+92 542 6111619Private40 *
School of Nursing Midwifery DHQ Hospital NarowalSchool of Nursing Midwifery DHQ Hospital NarowalDHQ Hospital, NarowalN/A1N/A50 *
Allama Iqbal Institute Of Life Sciences NarowalAllama Iqbal Institute Of Life Sciences NarowalNear Govt High School Boys Narowal0542-4124261N/A60 *
Superior Group of Colleges NarowalSuperior Group of Colleges NarowalChowk Bijli Ghar, Pasroor Road, Narowal+92 542 411265-77Private72 *
Govt. Technical Training Centre, (ABAD), Zafarwal, District NarowalGovt. Technical Training Centre, (ABAD), Zafarwal, District NarowalChawinda Road, Zafarwal, District Narowal0542 - 5391007N/A80 *
Govt. Institute of Commerce, NarowalGovt. Institute of Commerce, NarowalNear Civil Hospital Kutchery Road Narowal0542 - 4109361N/A90 *
Govt. Technical Training Centre, (DMTC), NarowalGovt. Technical Training Centre, (DMTC), NarowalCircular Road Narowal0542 - 4132737N/A101 *
Sughra Shafi Medical Complex NarowalSughra Shafi Medical Complex Narowal Narowal,0092-42-366875641Private110 *

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    17 Oct 2018

    sir what is the syllabus of zoology BS

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