Murree is the part of an administrative center of Murree Tehsil which is located near by the Islamabad-Murree Highway under the subdivision of Rawalpindi district in Punjab Province. There are various educational institutions that are doing their best to increase the literacy rate in this region by providing excellent educational services for the community of Murree.
Colleges/Universities in Murree such as Cadet College Murree, Chinar Army Public School & college, Cadet College Lower Topa are offering different courses for the students. The students who are located in Murree and want to get the admission for their career education then they can choose their aspiration.
Among the list of colleges/Universities in Murree the educational institutions are offering leading educational services for the students. Numerous other educational government and private institutions are also certifying their role in education zone to develop the vigorous nation.
Colleges/Universities in Murree are offering their unique educational services for the students to build the healthy sound mind nation. You can see the list of educational institutes from here just in one place
List of Universites in Murree
Colleges/Uni Name | Location | Contact # | Total Courses | Sector | Popularity Score | Rating |
Kohsar University Murree | kohsar university murree punjab pakistan 47150 | 0315 4896321 | 26 | Private | 1 | 0 * |
List of Colleges in Murree
Colleges/Uni Name | Location | Contact # | Total Courses | Sector | Popularity Score | Rating |
Lawrence College Ghora Gali Murree | Lawrence College Ghora Gali Murree | 051-3751004 | 5 | N/A | 1 | 0 * |
Cadet College Murree | Cadet College Murree, Kashmir Point Murree Hills | +92 51 2852694, 2853 | 4 | N/A | 2 | 0 * |
Pakistan Cadet School and College Murree | Pakistan Cadet School & College Murree Sunny Bank Murree Hills, | 092-0513-410421 - 41 | 4 | Private | 3 | 0 * |
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