Colleges & Universities in Kharian

List of Colleges And Universties in Kharian

Kharian city is located under the supervision of Gujrat district in Punjab, various educational bodies are providing their best educational services to the local community of Kharian. The overall literacy rate of this region is good due to abundant educational institutions and their offered services.

Colleges/Universities in Kharian such as Govt. Institute of Commerce, Govt. Vocational Training Institute, Govt. Vocational Training Institute, Govt. Technical Training Centre and NISA Girls College are providing different courses for the students. The students who are situated in Kharian and want to get the admission for their career education then they can select their desire one from the list.

Among the list of colleges/Universities in Kharian the educational institutions like Govt. Degree College for Boys, Govt. Asghar Ali Degree College for Women, Garrison Academy College, Oriental Institute of Technology, Rosebelt College of Management Sciences & Information Technology and F.G. College Kharian are playing an important role in the education sector of Kharian

Colleges/Universities in Kharian are offering their unique educational services for the students to build the healthy sound mind nation. You can see the list of educational institutes from here just in one place

Quick facts about institutions in Kharian

  • Total Universities in Kharian0
  • Total Colleges in Kharian6
  • Courses for Intermediate studies16
  • Courses for Bachelor studies7
  • Courses for Masters studies1
  • Courses for Diplomas & Certiicates 12
  • Government/public institutions0
  • Private institutions4

List of Colleges in Kharian

Colleges/Uni Name Location Contact # Total Courses Sector Popularity Score Rating
Superior Group of Colleges KharianSuperior Group of Colleges KharianMain G.T. Road, Kharian+92 032160213305Private12 *
Punjab Group of Colleges KharianPunjab Group of Colleges KharianBismillah Chowk, G.T Road, Kharian+92 53 700050112Private24 *
NISA Girls College KharianNISA Girls College KharianG.T. Road, Kharian+92 53 7611897-995N/A30 *
CMH Kharian Medical CollegeCMH Kharian Medical CollegeNear CMH Kharian Cantt053 761 12392Private40 *
Govt. Vocational Training Institute (W),(ABAD) KharianGovt. Vocational Training Institute (W),(ABAD) KharianNear Assistant Commissioner Court Mohallah New Area Kharian City053 - 76119435N/A50 *
Govt. Vocational Training Institute (W), (ABAD), Manglia, Tehsil KharianGovt. Vocational Training Institute (W), (ABAD), Manglia, Tehsil KharianVillage 8 P/O Manglia, Tehsil Kharian053 - 75666645N/A60 *

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