Khanpur is the tehsil of Rahim Yarkhan district which is located under the divison of Bahawalpur in Punjab. Several educational bodies are doing their best to increase the literacy rate in this region by providing superb educational services for the community of Khanpur.
Colleges/Universities in Khanpur such as Govt. Institute of Commerce, Government Post Graduate College for Men & women, Al-Barkat Group of Colleges ,Naqas college and superior college providing different courses for the students. The students who are situated in Khanpur and want to get the admission for their career education then they can select their desire one from the list.
Among the list of colleges/Universities in Khanpur the educational institutions are offering elite educational services for the students. Many other educational government and private institutions are also endorsing their role in education area to develop the healthy nation
Colleges/Universities in Khanpur are offering their unique educational services for the students to build the healthy sound mind nation. You can see the list of educational institutes from here just in one place.
List of Colleges in Khanpur
Colleges/Uni Name | Location | Contact # | Total Courses | Sector | Popularity Score | Rating |
![]() | By Pass Road, City Garden Khanpur | +92 68 5016990-91 | 5 | Private | 1 | 0 * |
![]() | Khanpur | 0331-9763787 | 6 | Private | 2 | 5 * |
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