It is the town of Toba Tek Singh city and the capitalof Kamalia Tehsil, the overall literacy rate in Kamalia is good and large number of educational institutions is offering their educational services to promote the education in the territory of Kamalia region.
Colleges/Universities in Kamalia such as Govt. Vocational Training Institute and Govt. Technical Training Institute are providing best educational services for the students. The students who are located in Kamalia and want to get the admission for their career education then they can select their desire one from the list.
Among the list of colleges/Universities in Kamalia are offering the elite educational services for the students. Various other educational government and private institutions are also contributing their role in education area.
Colleges/Universities in Kamalia are offering their unique educational services for the students to build the healthy sound mind nation. You can see the list of educational institutes from here just in one place
List of Colleges in Kamalia
Colleges/Uni Name | Location | Contact # | Total Courses | Sector | Popularity Score | Rating |
![]() | Old Library Building, Iqbal Park Pirmahal | 046-3360363 | 4 | Public | 1 | 0 * |
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