Colleges & Universities in Jhang

List of Colleges And Universties in Jhang

Jhang is the capital city of Jhang district located in Punjab, the overall literacy rate in Jhang is about 37.1% and it is increasing on daily basis due to efforts of educational institutes who are providing their best educational services for the community of Jhang.

Colleges/Universities in Jhang are offering up to date educational services and skills for the students to commence their career, there are round about ten government colleges and several private colleges in located in Jhang region and offering best educational services for the students of Jhang.

Among the List of Famous Colleges/Universities in Jhang, Govt. College Jhang, Govt. College of Commerce, Govt. Institute of Commerce, Govt. Technical Training Institute, Govt. Technical Training Centre, Cadet College and Govt. Wool Spinning & Weaving Cum-Training Centre are considered as best institutes who have a great contribution in the educational sector of Jhang

Colleges/Universities in Jhang are offering their unique educational services for the students to build the healthy sound mind nation. You can see the list of educational institutes from here just in one place

Quick facts about institutions in Jhang

  • Total Universities in Jhang1
  • Total Colleges in Jhang33
  • Courses for Intermediate studies101
  • Courses for Bachelor studies124
  • Courses for Masters studies19
  • Courses for Diplomas & Certiicates 66
  • Government/public institutions21
  • Private institutions9

List of Universites in Jhang

Colleges/Uni Name Location Contact # Total Courses Sector Popularity Score Rating
University of JhangUniversity of JhangUniversity of Jhang, 12KM Chiniot Road Jhang, Pakistan047-767124013Public10 *

List of Colleges in Jhang

Colleges/Uni Name Location Contact # Total Courses Sector Popularity Score Rating
Govt Post Graduate College JhangGovt Post Graduate College JhangGovt Post Graduate College Jhang047-9200162 26Public13 *
Faran Model College JhangFaran Model College JhangSatelite town, JhangN/A5Public24 *
Punjab Group of Colleges JhangPunjab Group of Colleges JhangSatellite Town Gojra Road Jhang+92 477 652281-8410Private34 *
Superior Group of Colleges JhangSuperior Group of Colleges JhangNear Sultan Colony Main Gojra Road Jhang+92 47 7652375-613Private40 *
Cadet College, JhangCadet College, Jhang2-B, CIVIL LINES, Adjacent to DPO HOUSE JHANG SADAR+92 47 92004745Public51 *
Chenab College JhangChenab College Jhang12-km, Chiniot Road, Jhang047-7671102-3-4-58Private64 *
Govt College of Commerce JhangGovt College of Commerce JhangJhang047-92003374Public70 *
Govt. Vocational Training Institute (W), JhangGovt. Vocational Training Institute (W), JhangSatellite Town, Jhang047 - 76264578N/A80 *
Govt. College JhangGovt. College JhangGovt. College, Jhang047-76255738N/A90 *
Bright Eaglets Group of Colleges JhangBright Eaglets Group of Colleges Jhang1-F Satellite Town Gojra Road Nr Khokha choak, Jhang Sadar+92 47 750012013Private105 *
Govt College For Women JhangGovt College For Women JhangGojra Road Jhang047-920013621Public110 *
Govt Boys Degree College Shorkot JhangGovt Boys Degree College Shorkot JhangCantt Road Shorkot Distt Jhang047-531052820Public125 *
Govt Degree College JhangGovt Degree College JhangGovt Degree College 170/jb Jhang047-65199194Public134.75 *
Govt Ghazali Degree College JhangGovt Ghazali Degree College JhangGujra Road Satellite Town Jhang047-920034213Public145 *
Govt Degree College Garh-Maharaja Ahmadpur Sial JhangGovt Degree College Garh-Maharaja Ahmadpur Sial JhangGovt Degree College Garh-Maharaja Ahmadpur Sial Jhang047-532090515Public150 *

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