This page contains latest list of all colleges in Chaklala. The information is updated on regular basis. There are a number of colleges, universities and other educational institutions in Chaklala and this page contains a list of all of them. The list also provides you details on what courses and study programs are being offered by these colleges and uviversities in Chaklala. There are different level of courses such as intermediate level programs, bachelor level programs and so on offered by various institution. Click on any college name to find further details about the courses they offer. Each college page also has full contact details such as phone number and address. The star rating system indicate the quality of eductaion by each college as indicated by various users.
List of Colleges in Chaklala
Colleges/Uni Name | Location | Contact # | Total Courses | Sector | Popularity Score | Rating |
![]() | Chaklala Road / Rawal Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan | (051) 5599532 | 3 | Private | 1 | 0 * |
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