BS Sociology is a demanding degree in Pakistan. The analysis of human social interactions and systems is known as sociology. Police officers, Psychologists, social workers, and educators are all common occupations for sociology majors. Some people go into managerial positions that allow them to apply their abilities in human behavior analysis to use, such as careers in human resources.
Virtual University BS Sociology Books List
For the convenience of the student, all the books for BS Sociology are mentioned here. Students can easily find out the BS sociology books from this page. Students will be required to obtain whatever set of content they desire regarding this guide by reading it. If you want to know about the books of BS Sociology then continue reading this page. You will be able to get all the information related to Sociology books.
Virtual University BS Sociology 1st Semester Books
Course Name | Book Name | Author | Edition |
Introduction To Computing | Computer Science: An Overview, Global Edition | Glenn Brookshear, Dennis Brylow | 12th Edition |
English Comprehension | English for Computer Science | Mullen, N. D. ; Brown, P.C. | Fifth edition 1985 |
General Science | Physics for class IX & X, Chemistry for class IX & X, Biology for class IX & X | Prof Dr. Fouzia Saleemi (Phy, Chem, Bio) | 2012 |
Introduction to Mass Communication | Dynamics of Mass Communication | Roger Dominic | 6th |
Introduction to Sociology | Sociology | Jhon. J. Macionis | 10th Edition |
Ethics (for Non-Muslims) | The Elements of Moral Philosophy | Rachels, J, Rachels, S. | Fourth Edition |
Islamic Studies | What Islam is? | Manzoor Ahmad Nomani Maulana | 2006 |
Introduction to e-Learning | - | - | - |
Virtual University BS Sociology 2nd Semester Books
Course Name | Book Name | Author | Edition |
Economics | Schaum’s Outlines Principles Of Economics (Text Book) | Dominick Salvatore and Eugene A. Diulio 1995 | 2nd / Latest edition |
Business and Technical English Writing | Business Communication Today | Bovee, C.L. , Thill, J.V. | 10th Edition |
Business Mathematics & Statistics | Business Mathematics & Statistics | Prof. Miraj Din Mirza | 4th |
Introduction to Psychology | Understanding Psychology | Feldman, R. S. | 7th |
Cultural Anthropology | Anthropology | Carol Ember, Melvin Ember and Peter Peregrine | 10th Edition |
Pakistan Studies | Pakistan:From Community to Nation | Arshad Syed Karim | New Enlarged Edition in Press |
Virtual University BS Sociology 3rd Semester Books
Course Name | Book Name | Author | Edition |
Communication skills | Effective Business Communication | Herta A. Murphy | Seventh Edition |
Organizational Psychology | Organizational Behaviour | Luthans, Fred | Tenth Edition |
Social Statistics | - | - | - |
Introduction to Social Work | INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL WORK | Lambert K Engelbrecht | 1999 |
Sociological Theories | Sociological Theory | Ritzer, George | 9th edition |
Urdu | Urdu Adab Ki Mukh'ta;sir Ta'ree'kh | Dr.Anwar Sadeed | 1991 |
Virtual University BS Sociology 4th Semester Books
Course Name | Book Name | Author | Edition |
Public International Law | Universal Human Rights In theory and Practice | Jack Donnelly | 2nd |
Social Psychology | Social Psychology | David G.Myers | 7th Edition |
Cross Cultural Psychology | - | - | - |
Cross Cultural Psychology | - | - | - |
Internship Report-Sociology | - | - | - |
Internship Report-Sociology | - | - | - |
Research Methods | Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches | Neuman, W. L. | 2014 |
Virtual University BS Sociology 5th Semester Books
Course Name | Book Name | Author | Edition |
Sociological Perspectives | Sociological Theory | George Ritzer | 9th |
Gender Studies | Gender Roles: A Sociological Perspective | Linda L. Lindsey | 5th Edition |
Quantitative Research Methodology | - | - | - |
Quantitative Research Methodology | - | - | - |
Sociology of Education | - | - | - |
Sociology of Development | Theories and Practices of Development | Katie Willis | 2005 second edition |
Community Development | - | - | - |
Virtual University BS Sociology 6th Semester Books
Course Name | Book Name | Author | Edition |
Pakistani Society and Culture | - | - | - |
Population Dynamics | - | - | - |
Rural Sociology | - | - | - |
Urban Sociology | - | - | - |
Sociology of Health | - | - | - |
Qualitative Research Methods | - | - | - |
Virtual University BS Sociology 7th Semester Books
Course Name | Book Name | Author | Edition |
Electronic Media & Virtual Community | - | - | - |
Criminology | - | - | - |
Political Sociology | - | - | - |
Social Change and Transformation | - | - | - |
Conflict Management | Alternative Dispute Resolution: A Conflict Diagnosis Approach | Laurie S. Coltri | 1st |
Social Change and Transformation | - | - | - |
Virtual University BS Sociology 8th Semester Books
Course Name | Book Name | Author | Edition |
Social Policy and Governance | Social Policy: An introduction | Ken Blakemore and Edwin Griggs | 3rd Edition |
Sociology of Religion | - | - | - |
Sociology of Globalization | - | - | - |
Social Entrepreneurship | - | - | - |
Environmental Sociology | - | - | - |
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the books included in BS Sociology?
BS sociology books in Pakistan include: Social Movement, Criminology, Sociology of Media, Sociology of Development, etc.
What are the best books in the BS Sociology program?
Best books for BS Sociology include The Sources of Social Power, Mind, Self, and Society, The Social Construction of Reality.
What do you study in the BS Sociology program?
In Sociology, we study human behavior, social conflicts, human nature, group discussion, and much more.
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