Virtual University MBA Admission Guide has created a special MBA Admission Guide for Pakistani students who want to continue their education in Virtual University. This online resource is to the point and created only for Pakistani students.
Process Virtual University MBA Exams
Registration Fee (Rs. 2500/)

Admission Spring (January - March) Fall (August - October)

Admission Fee
Adm Fee. 5000/, Security Fee. 5000/, Admission Processing Fee 500/, Enrollment Fee per semester 1000/, Tuition Fee per credit hour 1100/, Convocation Fee (one time mandatory) 2000/, Lab Fee for practical(s) per credit hour 2000/, Thesis Fee 15000/.

Zero Semester Fee
Adm Fee. 3000/, Admission Processing Fee 500/, Tuition Fee per credit hour 12500/.

Virtual University MBA Admission Quick Facts
You want to admission in any public/private sector college / university of Pakistan, we have solution for you.Click here to create admission alert, we email directly to you.
Registration Fee
Admission Semester:
Spring: January-March Fall: August-October
Admission Fee
Adm Fee. 5000/, Security Fee. 5000/, Admission Processing Fee 500/, Enrollment Fee per semester 1000/, Tuition Fee per credit hour 1100/, Convocation Fee (one time mandatory) 2000/, Lab Fee for practical(s) per credit hour 2000/, Thesis Fee 15000/.
Zero Semester Fee
Adm Fee. 3000/, Admission Processing Fee 500/, Tuition Fee per credit hour 12500/.
Virtual University Full MBA Admission Guide has created a special MBA Admission Guide for Pakistani students who want to continue their education in Virtual University. This online resource is to the point and created only for Pakistani students.
The Virtual University of Pakistan is established by the Government of Pakistan and has its campuses in more than 60 cities with over 100 associated institutions. The university offers Master of Business Administration (MBA) for the future business professionals to broaden their view in concerned field.
Virtual University announces its complete MBA admission schedule twice in a year which is based on semester system and starts Spring admissions in January and ends the process in March while Fall admissions open in August and closes in October.
Students can download admission forms at Ilmkidunya website or from the university website or at its campuses.
Candidates have to fill online application form with all required documents and must follow rules and regulations otherwise their admission form would be rejected.
VU MBA programs are designed for prospective business students to broaden their view by including management, marketing, accounting, human resource, organizational behavior, business research etc.
VU offers a 3½ -year /7-semester program leading to an MBA degree. The program provides special and basic business techniques required to excel in the challenging and rapidly changing world.
The Faculty of Management offers MBA (2½ -year /5-semester) program. Candidates with 16-year non-business education can choose this course who wants to adopt business as career and desire to improve their professional business skills.
he Faculty of Management offers a 2-year program leading to an MBA (Executive) degree. Candidates having 14-year of education with 4-year job experience at Managerial cadre and desire adopt business as career.
Virtual University offers 1½ year program leading to an MBA degree. The program is designed for candidates having Bachelor of Business Administration (4-Year program) and they desire to increase their professional business skills.
Zero semester is for those candidates who have passed the prescribed examination but not having achieved the mandatory percentage of marks as defined by the university.
Lectures are recorded in a professional studio environment and after insertion of slides, movie clips and other material, become ready for broadcast.
Midterm and Final Examinations for every semester are conducted in a formal evident environment at exam centers throughout the country.
The University has its campuses in more than 60 cities with over 100 associated institutions providing infrastructure support to the students.
FAQs for the MBA students desired to get admission.