Punjab University generally announces the date sheet for each exam at least one month before the beginning of exams. All the exams are conducted according to the prescribed schedule. The university generally issued the B.Com date sheet in May and exams start in June every year. After issuance of date sheet the university sends roll numbers slips at least two weeks before the beginning of exams to candidates at their respective addresses. Regular candidates get their roll number slips through respective institutions while for private candidates PU sends slips at their addresses as per mentioned in the admission form. So it is essential that candidate should give the accurate home address in the form otherwise they would find difficulty to get roll number slips.
Issuance of Date Sheet:
Roll number slips:
B.Com Annual Exams for Private Students
After issuance of date sheet and roll number slips to candidates PU holds the exams as per schedule. The university conducts the B.Com exams for both regular and private students in June every year while the announcement of result is made in September.
The university sends the result card to private candidates within 15 days after the announcement of the result at their given addresses. Any change in address, must be informed to the office not later than 15 days of the commencement of the Examination. Telegraphic intimation regarding results will be communicated by the office. If a candidate wants to recheck the paper they would pay the declared fee and hence their answer book would be rechecked. Such application would be entertained only within 40 days after the announcement of result. The university also provides one or two chances to students who could not pass the annual exams. If a student fails to get minimum qualifying marks in the final examinations, he/she can re-appear in the supplementary examination of the same course.
Commencement of Exams:
Declaration of Result:
PU Lahore B.Com Private Candidates Admission Guide
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