11Th-Class Admission 2024 in Singh in Public and Private Colleges
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Colleges/Uni Name Course Post Date Last Date Notice
Govt College of Commerce Toba Tek SinghGovt College of Commerce Toba Tek SinghD.ComI.ComF.AI.Cs General Science30-Jul-202431-Aug-2024Govt College of Commerce Toba Tek Singh
Superior Group of Colleges Toba Tek SinghSuperior Group of Colleges Toba Tek SinghFSc Pre MedicalFSc Pre EngineeringICS Computer ScienceIComFA08-Aug-202320-Aug-2023Superior Group of Colleges Toba Tek Singh
Superior Group of Colleges Toba Tek SinghSuperior Group of Colleges Toba Tek SinghFSc Pre MedicalFSc Pre EngineeringICS Computer ScienceIComFA03-Aug-2021N/ASuperior Group of Colleges Toba Tek Singh
Superior Group of Colleges Toba Tek SinghSuperior Group of Colleges Toba Tek SinghFSc Pre MedicalFSc Pre EngineeringICS Computer ScienceICom20-Mar-2019N/ASuperior Group of Colleges Toba Tek Singh

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