Rawalpindi, The Chairman of HEC has initiated Vision of Women (VoW) which is a recently established television studio at Fatima Jinnah Women University (FJWU).
FJWU’s vice-chancellor said on this occasion that the TV studio has been set up to provide direct information and skills to students.
The chairman of Higher Education Commission Dr Javed Leghari said that electronic media has played its role as “a game-changer”. The booming of electronic and social media has maded it possible the freedom of expression and dialogue. It would be beneficial for the establishment of better governance and management, he added.
He urged the female to play their active role in this field as more than 48 percent Pakistani university students are female.
FJWU vice chancellor, Dr Samina Amin Qadir, conversant Dr Leghari and FJWU faculty and students about the distinctive role of the studio.
She further said the TV studio has been established in a record-setting in18 months on a worth of Rs36.22 million and it is the first in its nature in any public university in the region. AIOU in Islamabad is also using this kind of studio but only for lectures, not to train students.
Now the university has impenetrable studio with eight Standard Definition cameras, VTR, an editing suite, a stereo sound system, sound mixing, audio and video switchers and three systems for graphics and animation, she added. Now students will have an opportunity to demonstrate their skills within the university.
Dr Shamim Zaidi, the department chairperson said that before this FJWU students went to PTV and Lok Virsa to develop practical studio skills. She further said by developing a dedicated Media Research and Resource Centre, another extraordinary project, would be helpful for “archival database of media” and deliver further production training among students.