Lahore: It is expected that University of the Punjab will announce BA / BSc annual result 2016 in last week of August. So, far the officials of university have not announced any confirm date for result declaration.
Last year, PU also announced the result in last dates of August so for this year it is also expected that result will be announced in the same dates.
The candidates who were appeared in Bachelor’s exams and now waiting for their results are advised to stay in touch with us as we will provide all latest updates regarding result here.
Read More: All Punjab boards ready to announce SSC part 1 result 2016 on August 20th
Like every year, the results of the BA/BSc annual exams 2016 at Punjab University will be announced in a specially organized ceremony at Al-Raazi Hall, Undergraduate Block, Quaid-i-Azam Campus. Position holders of the exams will be announced one day before the overall result announcement. In the ceremony the position holders of the exams will be awarded with medals and cash prizes.
Ilmkidunya will also upload the result soon after its official announcement. Students can check their result through the link given below after announcement.