As stated to Dr. Mukhtar, Chairman HEC, that the government of Pakistan, with its restricted resources has tried to make an action easy or easier for the youth through this plan and action of free laptops scheme and if somebody attempts an action like this, it’s unlucky and we are going to do entirety in our authority to stop them, Said Dr. Mukhtar, Chairman HEC.
Laptops disseminated under the Prime Minister System being sold on several websites about the net. We won’t talk about the morals of the condition but with the modern developments, we can securely say that someone who vended their laptop for financial assistance will soon be be repentant their decision.
The (HEC) Higher Education Commission of Pakistan has taken announcement that many students were vending their laptops as an alternative of using them. As a consequence, the HEC has made it obligatory for all candidates to show their laptop upon accomplishment of their degree.
Even if the laptop is damaged of crash, displaying it will be compulsory to get your last degree from your university. If your laptop became filched, you’ll have to present the FIR lodged against the robbery. If you can’t show your laptop or the FIR, you simply won’t be issued a degree and it will be deferred until you do. In short, any make illegal uses of persons are going to get their just puddings.
Moreover, if you have sold you laptop, HEC is soon going to find out. They are in the procedure of mark out someone who has put up ads for the laptops but the penalties have not so far been made perfect. The administrators also have in sequence numbers for all laptops distributed under the plan and they will be used to way individuals who have unlawfully sold them.