Lahore, board of intermediate and secondary education Lahore (BISE Lahore) again faced the problems in intermediate results of Humanities group, as the results announced on September 10 were changed after two days. Chairman BISE Lahore has ordered for inquiry of this issue and also expelled the staff of computer section.
As the positions were announced earlier, according to them, Sara Zahid who took first position with 940 marks, Sadia Zahid who was on second position with 933 marks and Neelam shah stood third with 917 marks
Facts revealed that a candidate named Sara Abbas, whose marks were wrongly posted by the computer, came over first position. She secured 93 marks in education while her mistakenly updated marks were 29. Because of the board’s negligence, she deprived of her first position. After correction Sara Abbas of Mansoora Girls College announced first with 955 marks. Sara Ghazali who was on first position, came on second position and Sadia Zahid declared third position. First position holder was honored with a gold medal and cash prize.
Lots of students have complained about the computer system. They had submitted applications for rechecking of their papers. Before in matriculation exams, online computer paper checking system has caused so many problems and students suffered a lot because of board authorities’ negligence. An English daily reported.
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