Colleges & Universities in Sargodha

List of Colleges And Universties in Sargodha

Colleges are the academic institutions that provide knowledge to the students and help them groom their personality.

Private colleges and universities in Sargodha

Various college in Sargodha are offering basic and also specialization program courses which are very helpful for the students. The educational institutions are nourishing its students with quality education. Various public and private sector colleges are present in Sargodha.

Government colleges and universities in Sargodha

The list of famous colleges and universities in Sargodha include Sargodha Medical College, University of Sargodha, Punjab Group of Colleges, Government College of technology, Allama Iqbal Open University, Comprehensive Group of colleges, Suffa Girls College, Superior Group of Colleges, and Quaid e Azam Law College. There is also a sub campus of University of Lahore in Sargodha.

The students from all over the Pakistan can see the detailed list of colleges, universities and admissions in Sargodha.


Quick facts about institutions in Sargodha

  • Total Universities in Sargodha5
  • Total Colleges in Sargodha91
  • Courses for Intermediate studies280
  • Courses for Bachelor studies370
  • Courses for Masters studies237
  • Courses for Diplomas & Certiicates 202
  • Government/public institutions56
  • Private institutions26

List of Universites in Sargodha

Colleges/Uni Name Location Contact # Total Courses Sector Popularity Score Rating
University Of Sargodha UOSUniversity Of Sargodha UOSUniversity of Sargodha, Sargodha, Pakistan.+92-48-9230811-15231Public14 *
Allama Iqbal Open University-AIOU SargodhaAllama Iqbal Open University-AIOU SargodhaHouse No. 66, Civil Lines, Kachery Road, Sargodha Cantt+92-48-9230017115Private25 *
The University of Lahore SargodhaThe University of Lahore Sargodha10-KM, Lahore Sargodha Road+92 48 3881101,02,0330Private30 *
Virtual University of Pakistan SargodhaVirtual University of Pakistan SargodhaLogix College of Information Technology & Business - Club Road, Shama Chowk, Opp: Passport Office, Sargodha+92-48-3220901-0390Public40 *
ITM Group of Colleges SargodhaITM Group of Colleges SargodhaITM College of Commerce 4-University Road Sargodha048-372215511Private50 *

List of Colleges in Sargodha

Colleges/Uni Name Location Contact # Total Courses Sector Popularity Score Rating
Superior Group of Colleges SargodhaSuperior Group of Colleges SargodhaSargodha Campus, Satellite Town, Sargodha.048-3223670,71,7214Private15 *
Sargodha Medical CollegeSargodha Medical CollegeJohar Block, University Road, Sargodha 048-9230811-153Private20 *
KIPS Academy SargodhaKIPS Academy Sargodha73-A, Main Bazar, Satellite Town, Sargodha048-3220301-321Private34.5 *
Punjab Group of Colleges SargodhaPunjab Group of Colleges Sargodha2-Khayaban-e-Saddiq, Sargodha+92 48 322118019Private44 *
Cadet College SargodhaCadet College SargodhaQudrat Abad Ajnaalah Road, Sargodha048-30133337Private50 *
Rai Medical College SargodhaRai Medical College SargodhaNear 33 Phatak Stop, Islamabad Road, Sargodha.048-3761200-013Private61 *
ILM College SargodhaILM College Sargodha87 - A, Satellite Town Sargodha048-3212181-211N/A74 *
Govt Ambala Muslim College SargodhaGovt Ambala Muslim College SargodhaKot Farid Sargodha 048-923900015Public80.5 *
Logix College of Information Technology & Business Studies VU Campus SargodhaLogix College of Information Technology & Business Studies VU Campus SargodhaLOGIX College, Club Road, Opp. Askari CNG Stattion, Shama Chowk, Sargodha+92 48 322090113N/A90 *
Government College For Women Chandni Chowk SargodhaGovernment College For Women Chandni Chowk SargodhaCHANDNI CHOWK SARGODHA923072816Public100 *
University College of Agriculture SargodhaUniversity College of Agriculture SargodhaLoday wala Khushab Bypass Road,near Jhal Chakia, Sargodha+92-48-37036617N/A110 *
Govt Polytechnic Institute SargodhaGovt Polytechnic Institute SargodhaPAF Road Sargodha048 92301739N/A120 *
Govt. College of Commerce, SargodhaGovt. College of Commerce, SargodhaGovt. College of Commerce, Sargodha0483-2106856N/A130 *
Rise School of Accountancy SargodhaRise School of Accountancy Sargodha59-A Satellite Town Sargodha068-5873042-310N/A140 *
Govt Technical Training Institute SargodhaGovt Technical Training Institute SargodhaChak 47. N.B, District Sargodha048322235216Public150 *

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    15 Mar 2019

    very informative site

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